Monday, April 6, 2009


As of today, this blog is being crated up and shipped from to If you came here looking for tips and tricks for making SL sculpted prims in Maya, you'll want to go here to the old site :

One of the reasons for this change is that Aki Shichiroji has set up a cool new aggregate blog feed, so you can see other cool Second Life home and garden products. Be sure to check it out at this address:

Sunday, April 5, 2009

New Lily Kit

New Arctic Greenhouse Full Perm Lily Kit! :) Not to be confused with the previous calla lilies - this kit will let you make 6-petal ones such as Tiger lilies, Easter lilies, ect. Here's the box cover! :

Lily Kit

See this product page at XStreetSL

SLURL to Logan's Virtual Showroom / Arctic Greenhouse