Tuesday, June 8, 2010


First, I wanted to let everyone know that the spring sale will end June 22nd, 2 weeks from today.

Next, we have a bunch of new mod/trans croton plants now available inworld, including new "v2" realistic red and green colors, taller tower shaped crotons, and the not-so-realistic pink and blue alien colored crotons.

Edit 6/11 > I just added 6 more color textures, if you bought this kit prior to June 11th and did not receive your update package please send me an instant message.

And for builders, the full perm croton plant kit has finally been completed, containing all of the color variations seen above and more.

Click here to visit Arctic Greenhouse in Second Life via SLURL

Click here to see the Full Perm Croton Plant Kit listing at XStreet SL

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

MadPea Hunt

For the month of June, Arctic Greenhouse has joined the MadPea Hunt! To get started on our portion of the hunt, take the portal to the Geothermal Hotspot (mentioned in the previous blog post), and speak with the sophisticated velociraptor you meet there. You can read more about MadPea or the MadPea Hunt here :

Link to MadPea Games
Link to MadPea Hunt

The free prize for completing our portion of the MadPea hunt is this brand new sculpted flowering snow pea planter!

Through June this item is exclusive; the only way to get the Flowering Snow Pea Planter is to complete the hunt. However after June there is a chance that it will be available for purchase, or that it will disappear entirely.

Click here to visit Arctic Greenhouse in Second Life via SLURL